@article{128346, keywords = {Astrophysics; General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology}, author = {Fani Dosopoulou and Christos G. Tsagas}, title = {Vorticity survival in magnetized Friedmann universes}, abstract = { We use a general relativistic approach to investigate the effects of weak cosmological magnetic fields on linear rotational perturbations during the radiation and dust epochs of the Universe. This includes ordinary kinematic vorticity, as well as vortex like inhomogeneities inthe density distribution of the matter. Our study confirms that magnetism sources both types of perturbations and that its presence helps cosmic rotation to survive longer. In agreement with previous Newtonian studies, we find that during the dust era vorticity decays slower than in nonmagnetized cosmologies. The relativistic nature of the treatment means that we can also investigate the epoch prior to equipartition. There, the magnetic effect is more pronounced, since it helps both of the above rotational distortions to maintain constant magnitude throughout the radiation era. Overall, magnetized universes not only generate vorticity but also provide a much better environment for the survival of rotational perturbations, than their magnetic-free counterparts. }, year = {2014}, journal = {Physical Review D}, volume = {89}, month = {05/2014}, url = {https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/$\#$abs/2014PhRvD..89j3519D}, language = {eng}, }